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38: Annual Return (Loss Account)
The 7-Year Itch
Mixed media on paper
12 x 17.25 inches
Performance for REAP (art projects capturing a year), Cafe Gallery Projects London, Southwark Park, London SE16, 30/09/05, 3.30-5 pm.
An attempt in performative office work to come to (my own) terms with today’s HM Revenue deadline: a calendar sheet of the past 12 months (October ’04 – September ’05) is photocopied; the copy re-copied and so on – 365 times, one sheet for each day, which I mark and conscientiously file away. The photocopier churns out a severely distorted account of the year, as if mimicking human memory. I register a loss of £25.65 (materials expenditure). No tax due, then.
(See also number 32.)