Two Artists from Iran: Samira Abbassy & Christine Khondji
22 July–21 August 2004
Bringing together two very different artists who were both born in Iran, but have spent most of their lives in the West.

Rolf Brandt Retrospective
10 March-10 April 2004
The first retrospective of Rolf Brandt (1906-1986) that includes works from all periods of his career. Brother of photographer Bill Brandt, he was a distinguished artist in his own right.

The Map is not the Territory iii
6 May–7 June 2003
Third exhibition exploring the work of artists who use the visual language of maps together with map-making strategies and systems. Curated by Jane England, in association with the James Hockey Gallery.

The Map is not the Territory ii
5 October–16 November 2002
The second of three exhibitions curated by Jane England exploring artists’ geographies, with over 30 artists from Britain and abroad exhibiting works that use maps and mapping systems.

The Map Is Not the Territory i
14 July–1 September 2001
Works by over 30 artists, ranging from the established to emerging young contemporaries, using maps and mapping both literally and conceptually, reflect the ever increasing globalisation of culture.

Obsessive Visions
6 October–3 November 2001
Exploring what has been called an Outsider aesthetic, an art outside the critical and institutional mainstream; but its main criteria is that, in Paul Klees words, the artists attempt to ‘make secret visions visible’.

Maliheh Afnan: Retrospective
2-14 October 2000
“Often the source of these lines stem from scripts – scripts of all kinds, even invented ones…”