International and Contemporary | Modern British/Post War | Photography | Archive | Index
Abbassy, Samira
Adams, Robert
Adnams, Marion
Afnan, Maliheh
Agar, Eileen
Aldus, John
Alley, Anthea
Almquist, Justin
Armstrong, John
Arrowsmith, Sue
Aruma - Sandra de Berduccy
Ascott, Roy
Ayres, Gillian
Ball & Naylor
Ballard, Morag
Bannon, Adrian
Banting, John
Baran, Barbara & Zafer
Barnes, Sue
Bean, Anne
Beanland, Frank
Becker, Lutz
Bianco, Pamela
Bilbo, Jack
Binnie, Jennifer
Blake RA, Peter
Bondy, Jo
Boyt, Rose
Bradford, Shane
Bradley, Martin
Brandt, Rolf
Brandt, Bill
Bratby, John
Bridgwater, Emmy
Brisley, Stuart
Brown, John Francis
Bubbles, Barney
Buhler, Michael
Bunting, Peter
Burbidge, James
Butterfield, Francis
Campigli, Massimo
Cant, James
Carmen, Linda
Carrington, Leonora
Carter, John Randolph
Catamo, Elisabetta
Catleugh, J.D.H.
Chand, Nek
Charles, Michelle
Charman, George
Christopherson, John
Chun, Woojung
Clark, Judy
Cliffe, Henry
Collins, Elisabeth
Collis, Maurice
Colquhoun, Robert
Colquhoun, Ithell
Creme, Benjamin
Cruddas, Audrey
Curtis, Layla
Dalwood, Hubert
Davie, Alan
Drago, Vito
Druks, Michael
Ducimetière, Gérald
Dugger, John
Duman, Alberto
Dunbar, Evelyn
Dunbar, John
Edden, Jane
Eichelmann, Volker
Fahrenholz, Mateusz
Fern, Dan
Fletcher, Alan
Fleury, Sylvie
Flight, Claude
Forster, Rebecca
Friedeberger, Klaus
Furnival, John
Gemes, Juno
Giardelli, Arthur
Gibson, Mathew
Gill, Madge
Gobits, Rolph
Gowdy, Carolyn
Graham, Roberta M.
Green, William
Griffin, Brian
Grimes, Ken
Halford, Victoria
Halkett, René
Hall, David
Hamilton Finlay, Ian
Harper, Stephen
Harper, Charley
Hayter, Stanley William
Hazelton, Paul
Heath, Adrian
Henghes, Heinz
Herbert, Albert
Heron, Patrick
Hiller, Susan
Hilling, Lesley
Hinderks, Mitja
Hitchens, Ivon
Hustwick, Charles
Icaza, Iraida
Irvin, Magnus
Irwin, Gwyther
Johnson, Wilma
Jones, Allen
Jones, Barbara
Kac, Eduardo
Karshan, Linda
Kashdan, John
Keane, Tina
Kenny, Chris
Kent, Josephine
Khondji, Christine
King, Peter
Kinley, Peter
Kitaj, R.B.
Klein, Yves
Knight, Alick
Koenraad, Marja
Lancaster, James
Larwill, David
Last, Martyn
LeBas, Damian
Lijn, Liliane
Louden, Albert
Mackie, Alastair
MacRitchie, Lynn
Maddox, Conroy
Mahood, Kenneth
Masi, Denis
Masson, André
Matoba, Satomi
Maude-Roxby, Alice
Medalla, David
Mednikoff, Reuben
Melville, John
Miller, Anthony
Molloy, Farouq
Moon, Jeremy
Mora, Philippe
Morris, Raymond
Morton, Alastair
Nagler, Friedrich
Nie, Richard
O'Shea, Hannah
Paolozzi, Eduardo
Parker, Cornelia
Parsons, Jonathan
Pasmore, Victor
Perry, Grayson
Perry, Clay
Piesniewski, Johanna
Piper, John
Potter, Valerie
Prendergast, Kathy
Prus, Max
Pye, William
Rego, Paula
Ribeiro, Lance
Richards, Ceri
Rose, Sir Francis
Ross, Monica
Rothenstein, Anne
Rumney, Ralph
Russell, Georgia
Ryan, Terry
Scott, William
Seillé, Geneviève
Selina, Howard
Sharp, Martin
Sheehy, Sandra
Skeaping, John
Smith, Richard
Smykla, Harald
Soto, J.R.
Stubbing, N.H. (Tony)
Sylveire, Peter
Takis, Vassilakis
Talpazan, Ionel
Tecklenberg, Paul
Thoms, Colin
Thorp, David
Tilson, Joe
Tippett, Bruce
Turnbull, William
Uddin, Shafique
Vézelay, Paule
Varda, Jean
Vaughan, Keith
Vicuña, Cecilia
Wallis, Alfred
Wallis-Johnson, Jason
Warren, Robin
Weil, Daniel
Wiener, Andy
Wilson, Ben
Wilson, Scottie
Wishart, Michael
Wood, Flora
Wood, Christopher
Woodeson, Ben
This website includes artists and artists\’ estates represented by England & Co; artists who exhibit or have exhibited at the gallery; and artists from the gallery stockroom. The artists on this website assert their authorship and moral rights to their works on the site in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1998. © The copyright holders of the works on the site assert their rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1998.