René Halkett (1900-83)

René Halkett: From Bauhaus to Cornwall

4 March – 11 May 2019 

On the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Bauhaus, Falmouth Art Gallery presents the work of Bauhaus student, German-born René Halkett (1900-1983). Hackett studied under Klee and Kandinsky and in 1923 joined the Stagecraft Workshop of the Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar. Escaping the rise of fascism in the Thirties, Halkett sought exile in Britain, emigrating in 1936. He later settled in Cornwall, from where he broadcast for the BBC, while continuing to produce paintings, drawings and sculpture. His book Dear Monster was published in 1939.

The exhibition René Halkett: From Bauhaus to Cornwall is curated by Marcus Williamson with works from private collections in the UK and Germany. England & Co have loaned two Surrealist paintings from the late 1930s to the exhibition, the first time these works had been exhibited since they were included in Halkett’s exhibition at Jack Bilbo’s The Modern Art Gallery in the 1940s.