Marion Adnams, photographed by Jane England.

Marion Adnams – photographs by Jane England

2 December 2017 – 4 March 2018 

Two of gallery director Jane England’s photographic portraits of artist Marion Adnams (1898-1995) have been acquired by Derby Museum and Art Gallery. They were included in the recent exhibition Marion Adnams: A Singular Woman – an exhibition celebrating (until her work received recent attention) this almost forgotten artist. Adnams spent most of her life in Derby where she was born, working as an art teacher while she quietly developed a reputation as a painter of idiosyncratic, dream-like works inspired by Surrealism. She exhibited in London and regional art galleries from the late 1930s onwards, and examples of her work can be found in many UK public collections. England & Co first exhibited Adnam’s work in an exhibition in 1990 about the artists of her first London gallery: Jack Bilbo’s The Modern Art Gallery.