Paule Vézelay: Drapeaux d\’Hiver (1930).

Paule Vézelay at HKW Berlin

13 April – 9 July 2018 

England & Co have loaned a painting by Paule Vézelay to Neolithic Childhood. Art in a False Present, c. 1930 at HKW (Haus der Kulturen der Welt) Berlin. This exhibition of artworks and archive documents demonstrate the role played by art and visual culture in grappling with the crises around 1930. This period, “c. 1930”, was a time of crisis in modernity and, for the artistic avant-gardes in Europe, the contemporary condition also became problematic. Taking its cue from texts by the extra-academic art historian Carl Einstein, this exhibition and conference thematises the upheavals, openings, and contradictions that became manifest in art and the humanities from the 1920s into the 1940s. “Neolithic Childhood” was a concept used by Carl Einstein to characterize his understanding of Hans Arp.