Paule Vézelay: Five Forms (1935-36).

Paule Vézelay, Tina Keane – and Virginia Woolf

2 October – 9 December 2018 

Virginia Woolf: An exhibition inspired by her writings / Fitzwilliam Museum

Two works acquired by Tate from England & Co – Five Forms (1935-36) by Paule Vézelay and Faded Wallpaper (1988) by Tina Keane – are among the works by eighty female artists from 1854 to the present day included in this touring exhibition inspired by the work of celebrated author and pioneering feminist, Virginia Woolf (1882-1941).

“Using Woolf’s writing as a lens through which to explore feminist perspectives on landscape, domesticity and identity, the exhibition follows Woolf’s notion that creative women ‘think back through our mothers’. It draws attention to the many connections between Woolf, her contemporaries and those who share an affinity with her work – whether such connections are tangible, anecdotal, geographic or imagined.”

The Fitzwilliam Museum is the final venue for the exhibition (following Tate, St Ives, 10 February – 29 April; and Pallant House, Chichester, 26 May – 16 September).