John Dugger banners in Antwerp exhibition of ‘Art and the Social Fabric’
11 September 2009–3 January 2010
Two historic banner works by artist John Dugger are featured in a major new exhibition at the Antwerp Museum of Contemporary Art (M KHA) – the Great Wu Shu Kwan (Martial Arts) Banner 1975-77; and Chile Vencera, 1974. Textiles: Art and the Social Fabric is curated by Grant Watson and also includes works by James Lee Byars, Goshka Macuga, Hélio Oiticica, Rosemarie Tröckel and Yang Fudong.
Chris Kenny in Collage: London/New York
6 August–27 September 2009
Chris Kenny is among the artists whose work is featured in the exhibition Collage: London/New York at FRED (London), co-curated with the Pavel Zoubok Gallery, New York. This celebration of collage features important works from the last 100 years alongside contemporary innovations. The exhibition includes more than 69 artists from the past hundred years, each working in very different ways, but all of them incorporating collage in their work.
Chris Kenny and Georgia Russell Cut It Out in Southampton
24 July 2009–17 February 2010
Chris Kenny and Georgia Russell are among the artists whose work is featured in the exhibition Cut It Out: Contemporary Paper Cut Artists at the Southampton City Art Gallery until 18 October. The exhibition then travels to Maidstone Museum, where it can be seen until 7 February 2010.
Brian Griffin retrospective at Les Rencontres d’Arles
7 July–13 September 2009
One of the highlights of this year’s Les Rencontres d’Arles international festival of photography is a major retrospective exhibition of works by Brian Griffin, including the series Team and Water People.
Chris Kenny in Dr Johnson’s House of Words
2 June–29 August 2009
Chris Kenny is one of seven artists commissioned to celebrate the tercentenary of the birth of British writer and lexicographer Samuel Johnson. The exhibition, The House of Words, is at Dr Johnson’s House in Gough Square, London EC4, and is open to the public.
Clay Perry’s avant-garde Constellation respond online
1–23 May 2009
Artists including Yoko Ono and David Medalla who feature in Constellation: Clay Perry’s photographs of London’s avant-garde art scene in the 1960s are among those who have responded to the exhibition on their own websites and blogs.
Harald Smykla’s new Movie Protocol: Metropolis
26 March 2009
Harald Smykla marked the City X exhibition at England & Co with a performance of his Movie Protocol: Metropolis in which he used a monitor and overhead projector to make a simultaneous transcription of Fritz Lang’s 1927 film onto rolls of clear acetate; his pictographs were projected onto the gallery wall behind him as he worked.
Contained Thoughts at the Courtauld Institute
Mid-February–April 2009
Works by five England & Co artists – Maliheh Afnan, Vito Drago, Chris Kenny, Georgia Russell and Jason Wallis-Johnson – are currently on view in the exhibition Contained Thoughts in the Courtauld Institute Library Exhibition Space.
Georgia Russell: Washington and Ontario
February–June 2009
Gallery artist Georgia Russell will be included in two new international exhibitions early this year. Firstly, The Book Borrowers: Contemporary Artists Transforming the Book at the Bellevue Arts Museum, Washington, USA (24 February–14 June 2009); and second, the exhibition of book works Novel Ideas at the Oakville Galleries in Ontario, Canada (7 March–31 May 2009).
Stuart Brisley on stage at the Performance Saga Festival, Lausanne
12–14 February 2009
Stuart Brisley is one of the artists invited to take part in this year’s Performance Saga Festival in Lausanne. Curated by Katrin Groegel and Andrea Saemann in collaboration with Arsenic Centre d’art scénique contemporain, the festival brings together artists from different generations. Open Dialogues: Performance Saga invites writers to respond to these performances online and in print, in English and French.